Our counsellor is professionally trained to help with mental health and emotional issues including depression, bereavement and loss, lifestyle issues, relationship issues, post-traumatic stress, health related anxiety and midlife issues.
He offers professional and confidential help in clinical sessions here at Fairfield Independent Hospital.
This service is suitable for individuals or couples who are struggling to deal with their problems and are seeking professional help and advice.
Russell Hoyles offers a no-obligation initial consultation, which allows you the opportunity to discuss the help on offer and to consider if the programme feels right for you too.
Russell Hoyles also has experience of using clinical hypnotherapy, counselling and life coaching to help manage the following behaviours and habits.
- Anxiety and stress
- Addictions
- Anger management
- Body image
- Confidence
- Exams and education
- Fears and phobias
- Habits and disorders
- Behavioural and lifestyle change
- Weight loss and weight gain
- Professional performance at work
- Sports performance