Sports Hernia Treatments & Surgery
A sports hernia is a tear or disruption of the muscles and tendons in the groin.
One of our Consultant General Surgeons, Mr Michael Scott is considered one of Europe’s leading hernia surgeons and specialised in sports hernia repair.
If you have persistent or severe symptoms of a groin or sports hernia you should speak to your GP. You can ask to see one of our Consultant General Surgeons privately without any long delays.
What is Sportsman’s hernia?
The condition is also called a Sportsman’s hernia or Gilmore’s Groin. The injury is relatively common in athletes who participate in sports which involve twisting or which place stain on the groin.
What treatments are available for Sportsman’s hernia?
Our Consultant General Surgeons offer a range of treatments for sports hernia including:
- Sport hernia repair
- Bilateral hernia repair
Which consultants treat Sportsman’s hernia?
Consultants who treat Sports hernia include:
Want to be seen privately?
Whether you have medical insurance or decide to fund your care yourself, we deliver the very best of healthcare in a friendly and safe environment.
You will be offered an appointment at the earliest convenient date for you.
For information about booking appointment you can contact us on 01744 746 425 or
The information on this page is for reference only and has been reviewed by appropriate medical or clinical professionals. The information contained on this page should not be a substitute for professional medical advice nor is it intended to be for medical diagnosis or treatment.