NHS Services
Fairfield Independent Hospital holds a contract with the NHS via the local Clinical Commissioning Group. This means that as an NHS patient you can choose to be referred directly to Fairfield for your diagnosis, treatment and care, the costs which will be covered by the NHS. However, we do recommend that you make provision for sundry items such as telephone calls, meals for visitors and newspapers, which will need to be paid for prior to your departure.
Choosing us for NHS treatment
When your GP decides that you should see a specialist or have a diagnostic test for your particular problem they will tell you if this is covered by e-referral service (Choose and book).
If it is, you will be able to choose where you would like to be are treated from a list of hospitals or clinics in your area, including independent hospitals. At this stage you may choose to be treated at a Fairfield Independent Hospital, provided that it offers the services you require to meet your needs.
Am I eligible for NHS treatment at Fairfield Independent Hospital?
The Hospital has been accredited by the NHS under its NHS Choices scheme since 2008 to provide a specified range of services to NHS patients. You need to be referred to the hospital by your GP. Only NHS patients in England and Northern Ireland are covered by the scheme.
Specific range of NHS services available
- Orthopaedic
- General Surgery
- Ophthalmology
- Gynaecology
- Urology
- Ear, nose and throat
- Gastroenterology
- Endoscopy
- AQP Physiotherapy
As an NHS patient, will I have any costs for my treatment?
All your treatment costs will be covered by the NHS. You will, however, need to pay for sundry items.
Will I be treated any differently to a private patient?
All our patients receive the same standards of care from our highly skilled staff. Patients who need an overnight stay will be accommodated in their own private room with en suite facilities.
However, some NHS treatments are restricted to particular criteria set by the local CCG’s.
Not all of the services on offer at Fairfield are available to NHS patients .
What do I do next?
To find out if you are eligible for treatment at Fairfield Independent Hospital, simply speak to your GP or for further information contact the Hospital on 01744 746 425 or enquiries@fairfield.org.uk