Coming in for Treatment

What to expect before, during and after your treatment or operation.

Within this section you will find guidance on what to expect before, during or after your treatment. The information contained on this page should not be a substitute for professional medical advice, you will still need to have a consultation with your surgeon to understand the specific risks and instructions for the particular procedure.

Daycase or Inpatient?

Coming into hospital as a day case patient means you can have your procedure and then return home on the same day.

Alternatively, If you need to stay with us overnight you will be treated as an Inpatient.

If you are not sure you can contact our admissions department on 01744 746 412 or

Unplanned overnight stays

Occasionally day case patients may need to stay overnight to make sure that they have recovered fully from their procedure.  This is not unusual or a sign of something to worry about – it happens in about 5% of cases and if it does, we will keep you fully informed about your stay and the likely time you can go home. It is advisable that all patients even if you are not scheduled for an overnight stay, should bring appropriate clothing including nightclothes, dressing gown and slippers with non slip soles.

If you are a self pay patient staying overnight has no impact on the price you pay for your treatment.

Fasting instructions

Type of Operation Fasting Instructions
Morning Operation You must not eat or drink after midnight. You may have a small amount of water should you need to take tablets before 06:30am. Then nothing to eat or drink.
Afternoon Operation You may have a light breakfast at 07:00am ad unrestricted water until 11:30am. Then nothing to eat or drink.
Evening Operation You may have a light breakfast at 11:00am and unrestricted water until 3pm. Then nothing to eat or drink.
Local Anaesthetic You may have a light meal and drink prior leaving home.

Driving instructions

Type of Operation Driving Instructions
General or IV sedation You will not be allowed to drive home and you are advised to have someone in attendance at home on the night following surgery.
Local Anaesthetic You are advised not to drive home, so please make the necessary transport arrangement. You may leave the Hospital shortly after you procedure.

General instructions

 General Instructions
Medication Please bring with you any medication that you are taking.
Valuables Please do not bring valuables into the Hospital.
Urine Sample A urine sample will be required on admission
Visiting Hours Ward visiting is between 2pm and 8pm. For more information on visiting hours click here.
Toiletries/personal clothing The Hospital provides towels, soap and shampoo. All patients even if you are not scheduled for an overnight stay, should bring appropriate clothing including nightclothes, dressing gown and slippers with non slip soles.
Room services A wide range of beverages, meals and light refreshments are available. For more information about the accommodation and room service, click here.
Patient discharge If your procedure involves a General Anaesthetic or IV sedation, they may impair your judgement, and therefore we ask you: Not to sign important documents for at least 24 hours, not to attempt to drive operate machinery for approx. 24 hours, and finally to ensure that you are accompanied home and have someone to stay with you for 24 hours and have access to a telephone.

Fairfield Independent Hospital is a No Smoking site. Patients and visitors are not allowed to smoke in the Hospital or the grounds.