Vision, Mission & Values
Fairfield Independent Hospital is an established charity that aims to improve the health and quality of life by offering a high standard of affordable care to all those who use our services.
We have been providing health services for over forty-three years and look forward to continuing to provide such services as an independent organisation.
We are registered and regulated by the Care Quality Commission and are also accredited to provide NHS services.
Our Mission
To improve the health and quality of life through the provision of a high quality and an affordable service to the people of Merseyside and the North West of England.
Our Vision
High quality medical services which help improve health and wellbeing through the provision of a professional, safe, caring and affordable service.
Our Values
We have 5 core values which are a set of guiding principles for how our staff works with each other in providing care for our patients:
Working together for patients – Patients come first in everything we do at Fairfield. Everyone at Fairfield should act and collaborate in the interests of patients, putting patient interest before organisational interest. Working with each other, patients and carers and involving local communities we can ensure we are providing services that meet local need.
Respect and dignity – Every individual who comes into contact with Fairfield will be treated with respect and dignity. We will value and respect different needs, cultures, aspirations and priorities. We will foster a spirit of candour – admitting our mistakes when they happen and work within a culture of humility, openness and honesty where staff communicate clearly and openly with patients, relatives and carers.
Commitment to quality care – We will aspire to the highest possible standards of excellence and professionalism in the provision of high quality safe care. Quality will not be compromised in the pursuit of safe and compassionate care. It will be a collective endeavour at every level of the system. We will continue to actively pursue and welcome feedback from patients and staff to identify and drive forward areas of improvement.
Compassion – Patients, their carers and relatives will be treated at all times with sensitivity and kindness. Our services extend beyond providing clinical care and includes alleviating pain and distress and making people feel valued and that their concerns are important.