If you are considering breast implant removal you can book a consultation with one of our Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons to gain a full understanding of breast implant removal and a chance to raise any concerns you may have with the procedure.
Q. What is breast implant removal?
Breast implant removal is the surgical procedure to remove the breast implant without replacing or exchanging the implant with a new implant. Removal may give the breast a deflated appearance, some women opt for additional surgery in the from of implant replacement or breast uplift without implants. The cost can vary if you also require breast implant removal with capsulectomy.
If you would like to find out more, you can book a consultation with one of our Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons to discuss possible surgery.
The most suitable type of surgery for you will be discussed at your appointments with your surgeon.
Before considering surgery it is also important to be aware that all surgical procedures carries a certain amount of risk and it is important that you understand the risks involved with breast implant removal specifically.
Q. Why would I need Breast Implant Removal Surgery?
Breast implants typically need removing or replacing after 10 to 15 years. They may start to feel hard to the touch start to become misshapen,or have moved or rotated creating an uneven appearance or a gap between the breasts.
A breast uplift is often combined with a breast implant removal or replacement surgery.
In some cases you may develop a capsular contracture, which is when the protective scar tissue capsule around your breast implant is unusually hard and dense. It can cause chronic pain and distort the appearance of your breast.
Q. What types of Breast Implant Removal/ Replacement are there?
• Breast implant removal
Breast implants are removed and not replaced. No further surgery is performed.
• Breast implant replacement (breast re-augmentation)
Breast implants are removed and replaced with new implants. Depending on your breast tissue you can discuss your preferences for any new implants with your surgeon.
• Breast implant removal and uplift (mastopexy)
If your breast tissue has stretched as a result of pregnancy, weight loss, a large breast implant, or natural ageing, a breast implant removal and uplift might be recommended by your surgeon.
Your breast implants are removed and not replaced by new implants, but your breast tissue is lifted to give a smaller, pert and morenatural result.
Q. What happens after Breast Implant Removal Surgery?
It is normal to feel some pain and swelling following your surgery.
You will receive post-surgery care and information on who to contact if there are any problems following your surgery.
It will take a little time to return to your everyday activities. This will depend on the type of surgery you have, your recovery process and yourself as an individual. Please make sure you follow your consultant’s guidance to aid your recovery.